4.0 & Go Will Have Video Classes

100% virus free!

(And no one drank Corona while making the videos!)

You can watch these from home!

** Schedule below **

* Some sessions will be live Zoom sessions, others will be video.

* A time will be given with the video.

Those will be the times we will be available for live questions,

and the time we will hope to steer you to watch it.

You can watch them at other times, just let us know and we will set it up.

* And questions will likely have to happen thru e-mail at other times.

* You can also watch them a second time if necessary, just again let us know, we will clear it.

* Live Zoom sessions should be viewable on video after, but not guaranteed.

** E-Mail us proof of purchase and we will e-mail you access to the session. **


(Ignore locations shown, we will be virtual)

* Season Passes save hundreds of dollars. Click "Classes" above.

Questions? fourotickets@gmail.com -- keep us posted with class updates you hear, there's dozens of new ones everyday.

Can't wait to make grades with you! Hope this is twice as convenient. Can't wait to see you again live!

Chem 119

Northgate | Hilton Hotel | Homewood Suites | Canceled